Ahmad Yamani (Cairo 1970)
- Currently living in Spain since 2001.
- Holder of Bachelor degree from Cairo University 1992.
- Holder of a PhD degree in Arabic Literature from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
- Currently working as a programmer and anchor in the international Spanish Radio [La Corporación de Radio y Televisión Española (RTVE) ]
Ahmed Yamani published five poetry collections in Arabic:
- Mid Rooms, Merit Publishing House, Cairo 2013.
- Wrong Places, Merit Publishing House, Cairo 2008. Second Edition From AL-Usra Library Publishers, General Egyptian Book Organization, Cairo 2012.
- Flowers in the Head, Merit Publishing House, Cairo 2001.
- Under the Family Tree, Special Edition, Cairo 1998.
- Black and White Streets, Special Edition, Cairo 1995.
- A collection of poems published in Spanish language A Shelter of Bones, Olifante Publishers, Spain 2015. [REFUGIO DE HUESOS. Editorial Olifante, 2015.
Zaragoza, España.]
- Yamani also published in many magazines and journals in the Arabic speaking world as a writer and a translator.
- Winner of Arthur Rimbaud Prize in 1991 from the Ministry of Culture in Egypt and the French Institute in Cairo at the hundred anniversary of the French poet
Arthur Rimbaud. - Winner of Beirut 39 Award in 2010 recognized as one of the most significant writers under 40 years old presented from Hay Festival London.
- Many of his poems were published in English, French, German, Spanish, Polish, Italian, Romanian and Ukrainian languages
. Yamani participated in many Poetry festivals and poetry readings in Egypt, France, Spain, London, Algeria, Beirut, UAE, Italy, Morocco, Colombia...
In 2012 Yamani was awarded the Vermont Studio Centre Literary scholarship from the United States of America as a representative of the writers from the Middle East.
In 2015 Yamani was awarded the Poetry Distinction Award for the Poet from another world presented by the spanish poet Ángel Guinda [Distinción Poetas de Otros Mundo, Fondo Poético Internacional].
Yamani published man poetry translations from Spanish and Latin languages to Arabic including: Rúben Darío, César Vallejo, José Ángel Valente, Adolfo Bioy Casare,
Miguel Casad, Rosendo Tello, Nicanor Parra, Ángel Guinda, Agustín Porras, Roberto Bolaño...
................................................. By Adhraa Naser
- Currently living in Spain since 2001.
- Holder of Bachelor degree from Cairo University 1992.
- Holder of a PhD degree in Arabic Literature from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
- Currently working as a programmer and anchor in the international Spanish Radio [La Corporación de Radio y Televisión Española (RTVE) ]
Ahmed Yamani published five poetry collections in Arabic:
- Mid Rooms, Merit Publishing House, Cairo 2013.
- Wrong Places, Merit Publishing House, Cairo 2008. Second Edition From AL-Usra Library Publishers, General Egyptian Book Organization, Cairo 2012.
- Flowers in the Head, Merit Publishing House, Cairo 2001.
- Under the Family Tree, Special Edition, Cairo 1998.
- Black and White Streets, Special Edition, Cairo 1995.
- A collection of poems published in Spanish language A Shelter of Bones, Olifante Publishers, Spain 2015. [REFUGIO DE HUESOS. Editorial Olifante, 2015.
Zaragoza, España.]
- Yamani also published in many magazines and journals in the Arabic speaking world as a writer and a translator.
- Winner of Arthur Rimbaud Prize in 1991 from the Ministry of Culture in Egypt and the French Institute in Cairo at the hundred anniversary of the French poet
Arthur Rimbaud. - Winner of Beirut 39 Award in 2010 recognized as one of the most significant writers under 40 years old presented from Hay Festival London.
- Many of his poems were published in English, French, German, Spanish, Polish, Italian, Romanian and Ukrainian languages
. Yamani participated in many Poetry festivals and poetry readings in Egypt, France, Spain, London, Algeria, Beirut, UAE, Italy, Morocco, Colombia...
In 2012 Yamani was awarded the Vermont Studio Centre Literary scholarship from the United States of America as a representative of the writers from the Middle East.
In 2015 Yamani was awarded the Poetry Distinction Award for the Poet from another world presented by the spanish poet Ángel Guinda [Distinción Poetas de Otros Mundo, Fondo Poético Internacional].
Yamani published man poetry translations from Spanish and Latin languages to Arabic including: Rúben Darío, César Vallejo, José Ángel Valente, Adolfo Bioy Casare,
Miguel Casad, Rosendo Tello, Nicanor Parra, Ángel Guinda, Agustín Porras, Roberto Bolaño...
................................................. By Adhraa Naser